Sunday, December 27, 2015

I woke up today with some determination to get over my seasonal depression. Made a pot of coffee, sat down, and started to write. I ended up writing more than I expected, but I did it. I'm making progress. Baby steps. Wrote quite a few poems, wrote a few chapters in my second novel. At least I'm trying.

The second novel is very much like the first one. Over the top nonsense. Full of offensive material. But, I purposely made it offensive. Why? Well, that's just who I am. I like to get a reaction out of people. Make them think, react, respond, feel something. And so, my second novel (which is in a long, long, long series of books I plan on writing), will be a continuation of the first book. And a bit more offensive.

But, here's to hoping I even sell at least 1 copy.

Much love.

Getting There...

I spent some time with friends last night. It truly lifted my spirits and inspired me to move on and write, write, write. Even if it's the most crappiest shit I've ever written, just write. You can always revise later, just continue writing.

Last night, I found a new publishing platform called Smashwords. I've done a little bit of research and found that people make more money off their self-published works than over at Amazon. So, I suppose I'll give them a try. See how it is.

As far as writing goes, I've been going crazy and writing poems left and right. I think I can see the light at the end of my writing tunnel.

P.S. You can find a copy of my first novel over at this link (at Smashwords): Click Here . Not only is it $2 cheaper, but you can choose what format you want to read the book in. Kindle, Nook, etc. Go check it out.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

A little productive

If nothing else, at least I was a little productive today. Wrote 3 poems so far and written 3 pages in my notebook for my second novel. By the end of today, I plan on at least writing 3 more pages. God, I hate the winter. I get so unproductive during the winter months. I have to literally force myself to write and write. Even if it's crappy material, I still write. At least I can revise it later when I'm feeling better.

I guess today was a good day, since I did write.

P.S. Don't forget to check out my first novel and review it! Any review is a good review! Here's the link: Click Here

Much love.

Poetry Stuff

So, I found a bunch of old poetry I've written years ago. I'm actually planning on typing them up soonish and selling it on Amazon. Hey, I have to make money somehow, right?

I've also been writing some new poetry in-between writing my second novel. I don't know why, but I find it way more relaxing than writing anything else.

How is everyone else?

P.S. Don't forget to check out my first novel - Click here , and don't forget to add a review, even if it's negative. =)

Inspiration, Where Art Thou?

I'm up to page 61 on my second notebook. And I'm finding that my inspiration to keep writing is waning. Although some coffee and A.D.D. medication does help. And no, I'm not being sarcastic or joking. I do use both to help find the energy to write.

See, the thing is, when winter time comes around each year, my seasonal depression kicks in. All my interests don't seem like interests anymore. I couldn't care less about gaming, reading, or doing any other of the things I enjoy doing. So, I try to take advantage of small things in order to trudge through. Before the winter hit, I was writing 20-30 pages a day (in a notebook, mind you). Now, I'm lucky if I write 2-3 pages. I suppose it'll pick back up when spring arrives and spring can't come soon enough. I have a hungry mouth to feed. =/

P.S. Do me a favor and take a peak at my book over at Amazon? And even if you don't like it, please leave a review? Please? Here's the link:  Click here.

Much love.

Friday, December 25, 2015

My Writing Process

So, I wanted to share my writing process since I'm taking a break from writing my second book. I don't write books like normal authors; ya know the ones... writing a skeleton timeline, doing research, typing everything up on a computer, etc., etc.

I do do research, however. I have around 20 RSS feeds attached to my e-mail client (Thunderbird), which grabs news stories from various places about once an hour. From these news feeds, I'll take a look at the title of the news piece. I'll take one word from that title that usually grabs my attention, and write down a topic to talk about in my book. So, let's say the title is: "Global warming is real." I'll take the word 'warming' and twist it into "Warming cookies in my cunt is fun." I keep a huge text file full of these topics for future use. I usually keep a copy of the text file in my Dropbox in case I get the urge to start writing while I'm out.

The next step is not writing the rough draft in a text file on the computer. Instead, I have notebooks that I write in. Since I have a laptop that weighs around 15 pounds (it's a gaming laptop since I'm a gamer), it would be unwise to actually carry the laptop around wherever I go. A notebook is lighter, and cheaper to replace in case I get robbed, or if I lose it. It does a number on my wrist since I write a lot, but I prefer it this way. Since my cell phone has the Dropbox app, I can just load the text file up on the phone and look for another topic to talk about.

Writing the actual material is the fun part. The novels aren't one theme. Like, take 'The Hunger Games' books, for example. All 3 books are a common theme that revolves around the main character. My books, however, there is no common theme. Each paragraph is completely different than the last paragraph. The only theme in the books (and I use the term theme loosely here) is that the books are written from a view point of a fictional psychopathic serial killer. That's it.

Every so often, I'll type everything up into a Microsoft Word document. When I've typed up enough pages to my liking, it gets uploaded to Amazon's self-publishing site. The first book was 84 pages, and only because I was very anxious to get it published. My second book, I plan on publishing a larger novel.

Thanks for reading.

Much love.

First Book, yo!


I have finally fulfilled my lifelong dream of publishing my first book. Go grab it at Amazon here: Click Here. The book is free to download (it's Kindle only, sorry guys) until December 26th, so go grab it before it goes back up to $2.99.

Otherwise, go help out a starving artist by spending $2.99. I mean, 3 bucks isn't much to spend, right? And I am broke. So, um. Please? =)

I'm currently working on my second book, in which I'll keep updates here on Blogger. I'll keep regular updates too.

Thanks for reading.

Much love.